Law Of Attraction Success stories
Understanding universal laws allows us to better position ourselves on our path to success and self-fulfillment. The application of these laws lightens our cells of emotional burdens and efforts of will to want to understand everything all to do well. Putting into action the golden rules that make the law of attraction work becomes a facilitating and effective tool in the quest for our prosperity and well-being. Through its electromagnetic energy, thought is the communicating antenna with the law of attraction.
Thought is at our disposal to allow us to make choices, to select our attitudes and is the tool to create our future. Through thought we have the power to accept or reject the ideas that fuel our inner dialogue. By selecting our thoughts, by choosing the beliefs to which we give our attention, by selecting the memories that we wish to keep in memory we use our free will. By thinking we choose our beliefs, the way of interpreting certain situations in our life and the power to change the course of our life. Thought has the energetic power to direct messages to the vibrational antennas of the universe. Through these messages we are able to attract the energy of success, abundance and the energies necessary for our health.
Here are some tips for using thought well so that it becomes a creative tool for our well-being:
Our thinking has the power to create or destroy, to deconstruct what we are consciously trying to build in good faith.
We have to realize that thought is very sensitive to the feelings we feel.
For our thinking to become the creator of our prosperity we must observe and verify:
- Feelings of fears, doubts, distrust, anger, feeling of being powerless to change something in our life, because these are very important interfering blockages and cutting us off from our creative power interacting with the law of the attraction.
- The lack of confidence and faith in our possibilities, in the support of the universe, in our legitimate right to receive are obstacles which prevent the law of attraction from working in our favor.
- The intentions of wanting to receive because we find certain situations unjust, that we wish to restore justice in our life, in our family, in our work are not sufficient intentions for the law of attraction to be put into action in our favor.
- The fact of nourishing memories that keep us in frustration, anger, dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with everything that happens in our life prevents the law of attraction from acting in our favor and allowing us to receive and to create another reality.
- When we launch into the universe messages of competition, rivalry, displeasure, lack of openness towards those who seem to succeed better than us, our messages repel the energy of success and creativity. These messages destroy team spirit and mutual aid.
- When we want the other to take a lesson in humility, that we want to prove to others that "we", we can do better, than "we", we know how to love, that "we", we will do better than our parents, all these thought forms and attitudes repel creative energy rather than attract it. Whatever we wish for others, we wish it for ourselves.
- When our thoughts of success, abundance, willingness to receive are devoid of generosity, consideration for the material and the life we use, our thoughts become tools of deconstruction because we lack gratitude for what life puts at our disposal.
- For our thoughts to send a clear message to the universe and for the law of attraction to be put into action we must use thought correctly. In order to build a future where our qualities and our potential are used for the well-being and prosperity of all without exception we must include in the vibration of our thoughts this message of teamwork, of sharing.
- We very often and unconsciously keep a very negative image of our place in our family and this distorts the initial massage of our appreciation of life which is ours. This double message of satisfaction of us and dissatisfaction with our place in life short-circuits the message of success, pride and satisfaction of us.
Thought is powerful, creative and transformative in our lives. The way we use it to attract to us what we want to achieve in order to fill our life of well-being and success must take into account the golden rules which manage this law of attraction, guardian of universal energies.
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